If you completed the course package in time and didn't get the previously chosen target grade in your matriculation exam, you can request a full refund of the course fee.

Target grades for Finland: 

English: E Eximia cum laude approbatur, C Cum laude approbatur

Swedish: Magna cum laude approbatur

The refund request has to be done via the refund request form. You can find the link to the form on the course page as soon as the results of the matriculation exams are released.

English prep course page (in Finnish): http://www.worddive.com/fi/kielikurssit/englannin-abikurssi

Swedish prep course page (in Finnish): http://www.worddive.com/fi/kielikurssit/ruotsin-abikurssi

In order to get the refund, you need to provide us with a document that proves your grade. It has to be an official document that includes your name, the subject, the grade and the date. See the exact terms, deadlines and instructions for refund requests on the course page.