If you decide that you want to revise your courses, you now have two different options. 

You can find both of these options on your Exercise tab in the web browser version at Menu -> Settings.

A) Repeat one single course

To repeat a single course, click “Repeat the Course” in your completed courses section. 

Repeating the course resets the results to zero, so you can start exercising the course completely from the beginning. All the course results and certificates related to this course will be deleted. Repeating the course doesn’t affect the money back guarantee of the prep courses.

You can only repeat a course if it has been completed 100%.

You can also repeat a completed course in the mobile app:

Please note: the repetition of the course in the mobile app does not concern prep course users.

B) Start the whole language from the beginning

Start completely from the beginning. All the course results and certificates related to this language will be deleted.

To start the whole language from the beginning, click “Start from Beginning” in your Start (language) from beginning section.

Please note: These reset operations cannot be undone.