Different icons can be found in the web browser version of WordDive. The point of the icons is to give a hint about the part of speech of the study item. There are small differences in how parts of speech are taught in different languages, but on a general level, these are the ones used:

IconPart of SpeechExamples
name of a thing
la manzana (apple), el niño (boy), Nueva York (New York)
a quality of a thing
What kind?
rojo (red), redondo (round), curvado (curved)
a substitute for a noun or an adjective
El niño corre. El tiene once años.
The boy is running. He is eleven years old.
¿Quién eres? Who are you?
number or amount
How many?
uno (one)
cien (one hundred)
quinto (fifth)
doing, being or happening
What is happening or being done?
correr (run), saltar (jump), llover (rain)
adverb, particle or adposition
adverb: Ella lo hizo rápidamente. (She did it rapidly.)
particle: rojo y azul (red and blue)
adposition: al otro lado del puente (across the bridge)
shortened form of a word or phrase
PIB (producto interior bruto, GNP i.e. gross national product)
IVA (impuesto sobre el valor añadido, VAT i.e. value added tax)
typical way to express something
¡Hola! (Hello!)
¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)
¿Cuánto cuesta esto? (How much is this?)
a rule of the language
el mejor (best, superlative of the adjective ’good’)
los dientes (teeth, plural of the noun ’tooth’)
a letter, syllable or meaning
a (Latin letter ’a’)
ф (Cyrillic letter ’ef’)
あ (hiragana character ’a’)
字 (kanji character ’JI, aza’)
uncountable noun
a word meaning a substance or a concept, can't go together with a numeral
mjöl (flour), musik (music), kärlek (love)
  1. It is not necessary to know all the parts of speech when starting to study a new language. This is why smaller parts of speech have been combined. Here is a short description for those who are interested:
    • Adverb modifies the verb or the whole sentence. Typically, an adverb describes time, place, reason, manner or method.
    • Particles are function words (such as yet, however, anyway). In WordDive, interjections (hi, hello) are included in expressions, even though they are particles as well.
    • Adposition expresses the relation of a thing or being to another thing or being. An adposition that comes before its complement is called a preposition (before Monday) and an adposition that comes after its complement is called a postposition (the storm last night).
  2. Character, abbreviation, expression and grammar are not officially parts of speech. They are specific to the WordDive service and are meant to facilitate learning.